
Positive Health international is a leading training organisation and educational center dedicated to empowering individuals and professionals to work with the concept of Positive Health. We strongly believe in our social mission to make impact.

We provide comprehensive training programs and consultancy services for professionals and advisors seeking to integrate Positive Health principles into their work. We believe that Positive Health encompasses more than just the absence of disease; it focuses on enhancing well-being, resilience, and self-determination.

PHI team

Our mission

Recognize and empower the full potential of people towards a meaningful life.

Empowerment of people, with the application of Positive Health as a concept for transformation from disease to health-oriented care and prevention.


Our vision

Enabling the movement of Positive Health worldwide by implementing on an individual, professional, community and systemic level.

We facilitate professionals with training and implementation support to apply Positive Health on an individual and collective level.


We will do this by

  • Expanding the application and tools of Positive Health internationally.
  • Following the essence of Positive Health, as developed in the Netherlands.
  • Following the phases of inspiration, implementation and embedment, attuned to country and culture specific needs.

Our core values are

  • Health is the startingpoint
  • People focus
  • Find purpose and live it
  • Practice what we preach
  • Small steps matter
  • Have fun (and enjoy the process)

What we want to achieve

By 2033 > 1 million people outside the Netherlands applied Positive Health towards a meaningful life

Meet our team

Karolien van den Brekel

General Practitioner, Director Positive Health international, trainer, (co)author Handbook Positive Health in Primary Care

PHOTO-Joanca van den Bosch 2024-06-21-15-12-24

Joanca van den Bosch

Marketing and communication

PHi Christine Vandeur landscape

Christine Vandeur

Project Leader Positive Health


Angela Smith

Project Leader Positive Health


Satoko Fujioka

Project Leader Positive Health

Inge van der Velpen

Inge van der Velpen

Project Leader Positive Health