Methodology: focusing on the importance of imagination for innovation

We often hear about the healthcare crisis, but with the ‘New Narrative for the Future of Healthcare (Professionals)’ initiative, we are looking at what is possible. In spring, inspiring stakeholder meetings took place in Belgium, the Netherlands, England and France, where participants visualised ‘dream scenarios’ from different perspectives. A joint effort was made to build a future with more humanity, connection and simplicity in healthcare, in which Positive Health plays an important role for deeper conversations and more patient direction.

Colleague Mark Swift has shared the methodology at European conferences, focusing on the importance of imagination for innovation and system change.

  • Being in the present moment: what are the challenges & opportunities we face in healthcare?
  • Dreaming of the future: what visions do we have for a desired future healthcare system? What does this look & feel like?
  • Action planning – thinking backwards from the dream / vision, what changes need to come about to move us in the general direction of our shared dream? How do we navigate the challenges of the present day together to achieve this?

Nurturing and harnessing our imagination is an essential leadership skill if we are to bring about systemic change. The tools & techniques demonstrated have given participants insights into the power of imagination to facilitate innovation & system change.

In my experience, people who dream together for a better world, may not necessarily achieve the dream as they initially envisage it, but they ordinarily do better than if they had never dreamed at all.

As Toni Morrison says: ‘As you enter positions of trust and power, dream a little before you think.


  1. Backcasting – a framework for strategic planning (J. Holmberg & K.-H. Robert)
  2. Utopia as a Method – The Imaginary Reconstruction of Society (R. Levitas)

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