Posts by Positive Health
Podcast New Narrative 🇳🇱
Dromen van een nieuw verhaal voor de zorg. Dat is wat huisarts en directeur van Positive Health International Karolien van den Brekel in 2024 heeft gedaan. In Nederland en België…
Read MoreDocumentaire ‘Zorg van Morgen’ – Federatie Medisch Specialisten 🇳🇱
Download the article ‘Health Agency, changemaking and the future of the Healthcare Workforce’
Read the report.
Read MoreAbout the Ashoka Community
Ashoka Community is the place for changemakers to learn, connect, and strengthen our power to drive change. Most importantly, it is where we come together to activate anyone and everyone…
Read MoreLaunch of Positive Health Innovation project in Germany
How can prevention and health promotion be more effectively integrated into general practice? The new multi-center study, “Positive Health Innovation,” aims to explore innovative approaches to address this question. Led…
Read MorePositieve Gezondheid: Een inspiratie voor jonge huisartsen
Tijdens mijn opleiding tot huisarts raakte ik, Fien De Laet, diep geraakt door een podcast over ‘oplossingsgericht werken in de huisartsenpraktijk’. Het idee van oplossingsgerichte, of doelgerichte zorg, prikkelde me…
Read MoreGeneral Practices on Bonaire Discover the Power of Positive Health
In recent weeks, Primary Care Caribbean (PCC) organized training sessions on the concept of Positive Health for general practitioners (GPs) and practice nurses on Bonaire. The training was met with…
Read MoreHuisartspraktijken op Bonaire ontdekken de kracht van Positieve Gezondheid
De afgelopen weken organiseerde Primary Care Caribbean (PCC) een nascholing over het concept Positieve Gezondheid voor huisartsen en praktijkondersteuners op Bonaire. Deze training werd enthousiast ontvangen, aldus dr. Polonia, huisarts…
Read More2nd ‘Positive Health’ practitioner training session in Japan – a report
A report of the second Positive Health training in Japan was published in the KIZUNA news No. 12 of Matsumoto Zaiidan. More information on Positive Health in Japan can be…
Read MoreMethodology: focusing on the importance of imagination for innovation
We often hear about the healthcare crisis, but with the ‘New Narrative for the Future of Healthcare (Professionals)’ initiative, we are looking at what is possible. In spring, inspiring stakeholder…
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